Weekend Poll: Who Was Your First Crush?

Fun new feature for the Playing Grown-Up blog – a weekend poll! Everyone needs a little mindless activity at work on Fridays and Lord knows we all end up spending more time playing around on the computer on the weekend than we care to admit. So let’s get started, shall we?

First up – who was your first crush? I’m looking for real or imaginary.

And by imaginary, I don’t mean someone you made up (though it worked for Sandra Bullock in Practical Magic). Instead, I’m looking for the Alex P. Keatons in your life. Oh, Alex. How I loved his political ramblings, short haircuts, and the ties. I quickly got distracted by Ricky (excuse me, RICK) Schroder, but Alex will always be my first love. Michael J. Fox is one of my all-time favorites.

Real life takes us to Halloween 1988. I decided to dress up as a hula dancer that year, but seeing as we were in Wisconsin, I had a white leotard on under my costume. (This was because it was cold…my skin was plenty pasty on its own.) Granted, a white leotard doesn’t look good even on a skinny kid, but, well…I was probably asking for trouble. Still, my dad told me I was pretty so I was excited to show off the new look to Luke, my elementary school crush. Imagine the devastation when Luke told the whole class I looked like a fat pig. Oh, the heartbreak! My heart did not heal until 2009 when I 1. met Randy and 2. ran back into Luke. Let’s just say…dude peaked at fifth grade.

So who was your first love? Leave your thoughts in the comment section. Can’t wait to hear!


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