Month: May 2011


Checking In

Its Saturday morning here in Florence and Im writing this from an internet cafe, so it will be very short. Everything is still fantastic. We saw more than we expected here in Florence and did a day trip yesterday into Tuscany. Going to Venice on the noon train. Then off to France tomorrow night. Ah, […]

Deep Thoughts

Just Your Average Birthday

Today is Randy’s birthday, which we’ve decided we’ll never be able to top. We started with a dessert breakfast from a patisserie located near the markets of Campo di Fiori (hey, Amber will tell you I always have the most fun on other people’s birthdays. This year was no different…) We saw a bunch including […]

Deep Thoughts

May 15, 2011 – We’re Here!

Ciao, my lovelies! Our flights were all on time and customs was ridiculously easy. There were no questions…not even a stamp in our passports. Heck, the border guard in Quebec in March was more inquisitive! Our apartment was easy to find and is so cute! It rained today, but we still had an amazing first […]

Deep Thoughts

Leggings Aren’t Pants

There. I’ve said it. Perhaps this is my belief because I’m “blessed” with short, stumpy legs that look horrendous in spandex or perhaps it’s because I’ve seen way too many lady parts in recent days. Anyway, I’m not alone. The good folks at The Frisky have shared a chart to help you ensure you are […]