Month: October 2011

Day 17: Are We There Yet?

I’m not going to lie – this #NoProOcto #Unprocessed Challenge is becoming a bit of a well, challenge. Do you know how much of our normal food has extra stuff in it??? I don’t have specifics, but it’s a phenomenally high percentage. I had a bad cold last week (leaving […]

Poll: Save the Last Dance…For Yourselves?

As I strolled through my wedding blogs this afternoon, I saw a description of a couple who had all guests leave the reception area so they could enjoy their last dance by themselves. While they were dancing, the guests organized themselves to give the couple a big send-off.

Day 10: We’re Taking This Thing Natural!

I thought it was time to give you an update on the #NoProOcto #Unprocessed food challenge. Quick answer: so far, so good! Long answer: This isn’t that hard! During the first week, I made a bunch of delicious dinners, including my favorite bibb lettuce salad with goat cheese toasts and […]

Day 7: Happiness Recommendation

There are not many things I’ll get up for at 5:15 am. Definitely for an early morning flight to some place warm. Possibly to lock Noah in the kitchen so I can go back to bed and sleep really late without interruption. I would have thought that was it for […]