Small Business 101: Why Working For Yourself Is Fun

Last month, I gave you a bunch of things to think about before starting your own small business. There are a number of very serious and scary issues that need to be considered before you create your business plan. That said, owning your own business can also be really, really cool.

1. You can work on a schedule that fits your personality.

One of the things that bugged me the most in my previous life was office hours. I’m a fast worker. Always have been. Back in school, I would always be the first person done with a test (and typically have one of the better grades to boot). As an employee, I could get my assigned tasks done in less time than it took other folks. I’ve never been the secretary (well, officially) so it never made sense that I had to stick around until 5 pm just because.

Now that I make my own hours, I’ve found that I work best when I find myself in my studio no later than 7 am. I work until 10-ish, then take a break either to exercise or to get cleaned up for a lunch meeting. Depending on the mid-day tasks, I find myself back at my desk around 1 pm and go until 6 or 8 pm. Additionally, I may spend some time Saturday mornings or Sunday afternoons prepping for the following week.

This schedule works perfectly for me. Those with little ones at home may need to focus their attention on the kiddos until your significant other returns and get great work done between 7 pm and midnight. Early risers may decide to start their day at 5:30 am and be done with work around 2 pm. Except for meetings with clients, your schedule is your own!

2. You can work in a comfortable environment.

As I mentioned above, I start my day around 7 am. I wake up around 6:40, which doesn’t leave me much time to get pretty. Most days – no need! Unless I have a meeting (always dress a step above the person you are meeting!), you can find me in yoga pants and a ponytail. I blame the college days when I did all of my report writing on my bed, in pjs. I work better when I am comfortable.

Also, if you were to come visit at 3 pm any given afternoon, you would find my studio to be a mess! A pile of fabric here, some paperwork there. My 14 different to-do lists all tacked into my new corkboard at odd angles and a stack of items to be shipped on the floor. You’d also find my radio turned up HIGH, the colors on the walls to be surprisingly bright for a basement, and bunches and bunches of inspirational pictures and things around. In short, my studio has become my perfect space. It is the environment where I can work the best.

I get my work done best down here in my hole, but you might prefer to be around others at your local coffee shop or joint venture office space. No worries. As long as you are working on a computer and not assembling big projects, this is just fine. Library in the morning and from your couch in the afternoon works perfectly for the self-employed.

3. You are in charge!

I’d like to sub-title this one with “no office politics”, which is true (and awesome), but you can’t give up the politicking completely. There will be some glad-handing with vendors and potential clients, but overall, it is vastly diminished.

What is there all the time – your passion! Your work day is not just your job anymore, it is your baby. You know that phrase “it takes a village to raise a child”? Well, unless you can afford staff right off the bat, you’re the whole town from mayor to idiot. This sounds so overwhelming (because it is!!!), but you will find it much easier to rise to the challenge when it’s your goals you wish to obtain.

4. You meet great people.

I’ve met some wonderful folks over the lifetime of my corporate career, but I have already met more fascinating folks in the last 8 months than I did over the last 10+ years. I think most folks that I’ve come across are good people, but now they are interesting to me. It’s as simple as we have something to talk about. When I was selling memberships for social service organizations or high technology distribution manufacturers (Yes, that is a thing. No, I can not elaborate…even after 3 years working for them.), I couldn’t talk the talk. Now I can. And it’s fun!!

Also, I think as a small business owner, your fellow man wants to see you succeed. People seem kinder now. That’s always a good thing.

So what type of small businesses are you considering? If it’s too grand a statement to put in the comment section, I’d love to talk offline. I love it when people follow their dreams!

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