The Benefits of Slowing Down

As part of the Closing Down Texas tour, I had the opportunity to go through mom’s safe deposit box. What an interesting collection of items she considered the most sacred – an Indian Head coin, their original marriage certificate, my original birth certificate from St. Joe, the appraisal for her wedding ring, and my second grade report cards. Why just second grade, I’ll never know, but they were fun to look at.

I thought the only thing I ever failed was handwriting. It was the first lesson in cursive and as a left-hander, I simply stunk at it! What I just learned is that I also failed in listening skills. Here are the comments from the teacher:

“10/87 – It has been a pleasure getting to know Maggie. She seems to enjoy school and likes to participate in class discussions. I do feel Maggie needs to work on her listening skills. She also needs to take some pride in the work she completes. I believe this could be accomplished if she would slow down.”

Well, Ms. Bullock, you improved my grade all the way to a 1 (we were graded on a 1 – 2 – 3 scale that year) by June, but I hate to see what you would grade me now. Further proof that some things never change.

She says as she runs off to make flowers, write a survey, and create Pilates lesson plans (and to belittle herself for being perfect in none of these things.)

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