X10 Week 4 – There’s No Place Like Routine

Ever have one of those weeks where you feel like you’re speeding through it so fast you can’t stop long enough to really feel the sensations of what you are doing? Or what you’re eating? That was last week for me. (And I’m sure every week for most folks with kids, a job, a husband, and well, a life…) Whew! Between getting home Monday afternoon and leaving again Friday morning, I felt like it was a week of running from thing to thing, with no time to really get in to any of it.

I thrive in being (too) busy, so it was a great time for me, but NOT a good time for my diet or exercise schedule. I managed to lose the 1.8 pounds I gained over the previous period, but I think it’s from the breakneck pace, not smart meal planning. (Or from the 30 minutes in the car in a blizzard yesterday afternoon. My heart was RACING for my first snowy drive of the season. I immediately fell into a nap when I got home. A and I had a great time over the weekend, but I think it was that 30 minutes that took it all out of me.)

I am going back to Chicago this Saturday for the Indie Wed wedding show, but that’s just a day trip, making this a great week back on a routine. I’m sleeping in my own bed and will be making my own dinners. Also, though I have a bunch to do to prep for the show and an upcoming wedding order, my meeting schedule is pretty light. This means I can get the workouts back on the docket. I’ve joked before that I’m one broken leg away from being 400 lbs, but these last few weeks have shown that’s not too far off the mark. It’s ok to eat chocolate every now and then, but you need to mix in a good cardio session, too!

It’s so easy to say “eh, maybe not today” when it’s time to go out in the cold for another workout. How to get you get yourself motivated for the gym, studio, pool, or path this time of year?

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