Meditate on Chocolate? Don’t Mind If I Do.

Meditation for BeginnersI already had this meditation planned for my class this week, but after Monday’s news events, it seemed all the more fitting. I thought I could share this introduction to meditation with all y’all, too. Any reason to eat chocolate for health is a good one, right?

1. Get yourself some good quality, bite-sized chocolate. I love Indulgence, Kehr’s and other local favorites, but we need something in a wrapper. Lindt’s Lindor truffles, available at any grocery store, fit that bill.

2. Select one chocolate from the bag and find a quiet, comfortable seat. Get comfortable.

3. Take a moment to look at the packaging. Feel it. Listen to the noise of the wrapper as you touch it. What does it look like? Is there a smell? What does the noise sound like in the  quiet space?

4. Open up the package and take a whiff. What does it smell like? Is your mouth watering? Is your belly rumbling? How does having this chocolate in your hand make you feel? What does the chocolate look like?

5. Place the chocolate in your mouth (taking a bite out of the piece if you need it smaller) and close your eyes. Only rule – no chewing! Let the chocolate melt in your mouth. What does it taste like? How does it feel on your tongue? In your throat?

6. Give the chocolate time to fulling melt. Take a few breaths afterwards to remind yourself how pleasant the experience was when you fulling focus your attention.

7. Congratulations yourself – you’ve just meditated! See, it’s not that weird or unapproachable.

P.S. I can’t take credit for coming up of myself. One of my favorite teachers did this several years ago and it’s stuck with me. I’m so glad I was able to share with my class on Monday. And now with you! Enjoy.

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