In case you missed it, I spent Friday afternoon swooning about a heartthrob. I was not alone. My girlfriends (and their friends) went on and on about how frankly sexy this gentleman is.
He’s a famous star and can wear the heck out of a white button down shirt, nice-fitting jeans, and ratty boots. He’s got floppy, curly hair and a nice smile. The scenes with him staring wistfully off into the distance make me sigh every single time.
He’s a rebel, but loves French cuisine. He has an adorable family that he keeps hidden from this rock star life. In short, he’s a dreamboat fantasy.
Except that he’s 56. And on Lipitor. And completely, 100% gray. Not gray around the temples or graying early, but all over the head, cuz-that’s-what-old-man-hair-does, gray. He graduated college (after taking a break) before I was even a twinkle in anyone’s eye. Sigh.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am fully crushing on Anthony Bourdain – the head guest at my Ultimate Cocktail Party and my self-proclaimed Silver Fox of 2013. (About 14 things in this last sentence prove that I AM OLD!!!)

He has such a command of the English language yet can perfectly punctuate a sentence with a good “f*ck”. He’s smart and political. He knows his way around a fancy place setting, but reportedly prefers the nights out with a local beverage and meat in tubal form.
Gone are my days where I daydream about staying out ’til dawn with homeless teen Leonardo DiCaprio. (She says with her fingers crossed behind her back…) Now I daydream about fancy dinner parties where my featured guest talks about the Ramones and pork. Oh, all the pork that would be eaten…
My days of putting pictures ripped out of Bop! magazine all over my bedroom walls may be over, but that doesn’t mean I don’t go ga-ga over the stars. And before you laugh at me for making this public, take a look at my hubby. If you squint really hard (and put him in a white button down shirt, nice fitting jeans and his own ratty boats), I’ve got the slightly younger version of my old-man heartthrob right here in my own home. And man, can he talk pork…
P.S. Before you go throwing stones – I was going to make you guess at Brad Pitt or George Clooney first, but they aren’t that far off. (49 and 52 respectfully…) Gross.
Ah, ladies…we are getting old! So now that I’ve admitted it for you, who is your favorite silver fox?