Month: August 2013

Deep Thoughts

Anatomy of An Anxiety Attack*

*Today’s post sponsored by the Harley-Davidson Motor Company, whether they’d like to or not. It’s back to school time, so as I wrap up my daydreaming month, I’d like to take a moment to teach y’all about daydreaming’s ugly, black sheep cousin – the anxiety attack. If you’ve never experienced said attack, you’ll just have […]

Food and Recipes, Grateful For

Grateful for Snacks

You know what I like about pregnancy? Eating. I can eat like the hungry, hungry hippo I always am and now it’s considered a good thing. (Interesting side note – looks like my normal caloric intake is just right for growing babies… I still have barely gained any weight even though I haven’t passed a […]

Bread & Wine by Shauna Niequest
Travel, What I'm Reading

End of Summer Book Suggestions

No way! I know bunches of you have kids in school already, but I refuse to believe that summer is over. I guess that’s one bonus of not being a kid – I may not technically have all that time off, but I can decide when it’s over, school doesn’t tell me when. Neener, neerer! […]

Deep Thoughts, Friends

On Fear, Friends, and Motherhood Concerns

Many thanks to everyone that sent a note of congratulations or “you’ll be fine” yesterday (and over the last several weeks). I’ve got a good partner in Randy, a good cheerleader in Noah, and so far, a healthy, quiet baby in my belly. We’ll make this work. Probably my favorite part of yesterday was all […]