Month: September 2013

Are Leggings Pants?
Deep Thoughts

An Open Apology to Leggings

Leggings and I have a love/hate relationship. I love how comfortable they are. I hate they way they look on me. They love to go from workout to grocery store to home office, but hate that I keep them in rotation until the seams surrender. Through thick (thighs) and thin (fabric), I have stood strong […]

Good things about pregnancy
Deep Thoughts, Inspiration


I saw this post from Emily at Jones Design Company over the weekend and thought it would be fun to survey myself. Enjoy! Loving: Hot chocolate. I may start enjoying it once a day. Hey, the weather has cooled and I’M GROWING A BABY. (Also, I’m loving that I can use that excuse for a […]

Deep Thoughts, Family

I Want a Mom to Tell

**This post was originally written back in July. I debated posting it because, for the first time in a LONG time, I’m actually feeling pretty calm from the emotional basketcase front. This is an important message to parents though, so here we are. Enjoy.** I just got off the phone with an aunt. I shared […]