I saw this post from Emily at Jones Design Company over the weekend and thought it would be fun to survey myself. Enjoy!

Loving: Hot chocolate. I may start enjoying it once a day. Hey, the weather has cooled and I’M GROWING A BABY. (Also, I’m loving that I can use that excuse for a great many things…)
Reading: World War Z by Max Brooks. I’m only 50 pages in, but it’s not nearly as gory as I expected. Actually, it’s quite a thought-provoking book. Two thumbs up.
Waiting For: Our first ultrasound next week. I’ve heard the heartbeat…now I want to see the pictures!
Excited About: Three months after moving into our new home, we have two working toilets in the house! It’s amazing what a luxury I consider this to be.
Trying To: Convince Randy to buy an extra freezer. I can’t be Urban Farmer and Soon-To-Be Super Mom without one! I’d love your opinion on the subject.
Working On: Wrapping up my yoga teacher training. A little bit more reading, a medium bit of sitting in a classroom and a lot more practice teaching ahead of me in the next six weeks. I can’t wait. I love it there.
Enjoying: Zumba classes. After a few months off, I forgot how fun it is to flail about for an hour and call it exercise.
Using: ProVectin Plus wrinkle and stretch mark reducer. My aunt suggested this awhile back for face wrinkles. It worked like magic. Stay tuned for a report on its capabilities as a pregnancy-related stretch mark deterrent.
Wearing: Yoga pants. All I ever wear is yoga pants. I am also enjoying the last couple of weeks that my t-shirts will fit. Who knew t-shirts would be the first thing I grew out of?!
Needing: Another set of hands to help me process all these plums!
And recipes that include pears. The pear harvest is imminent.
And a tree specialist that can teach me what to do with all these trees to prep for winter and a great 2014 season. Any suggestions?
Planning: To get all the pictures on the wall this week. (And to be disappointed when next Thursday rolls around and there are only three pictures on the walls. I’ve been “working” on this project for a month!)
Listening To: Someone cutting their grass. This might be one of the last times I get to enjoy this beautiful music for the season. I like you, Fall, but I don’t like what comes after you… Now I’m getting sad.
Doing: A basic photography course to learn how to use my new camera and Photoshop. I love the pictures the camera puts out with no assistance from me. I can’t wait to see what I can do once I know what I’m doing!
Dreaming Of: Who will play the lead characters in my first book when it is turned into a movie. Currently, I’m thinking Jon Hamm and the mom from the National Lampoon movies (a la that same time frame) would be perfect. Now I just need to write the novel.
And cake. I’m always dreaming of cake.
So this is me.
Want to play along? What are you currently up to?