Black Leggings Maternity Outfit

What I Wore In Month Five of Pregnancy

I am a walking clichĂ©. Go ahead and make fun of me, because I’m definitely pointing a finger back at myself.

Guess what – if you don’t weigh yourself everyday, you might just think you’re pretty. BREAKING NEWS!!!!

Duh. I should have had Randy hide the scale earlier on in this pregnancy journey. Now instead of feeling like a moose, I kinda feel attractive. I definitely feel strong and like I’m growing in the right areas. If only we had thought of this easy solution earlier.

pleated poppySo now that I’m feeling good (let’s enjoy it while we can!), I’m participating in The Pleated Poppy’s What I Wore link-up. These pictures were taken through out month five because, let’s be honest, I don’t wear interesting clothes that many days a week. So if the belly seems to ebb and flow, now you know why.

(Sorry for the poor quality pictures… I used the iPad a lot more than I should have. One of these days I’ll get comfortable behind my DSLR!)

Work Appropriate Maternity Outfit

I finally had a reason to dress up when I presented to the high school young’ens on entrepreneurship. This black dress from Destination Maternity is borrowed from a girlfriend. The jewelry came from my mom’s collection and the heels are mine from several years ago. This was the only day I wore heels over the last two months or so…boy, were my calves tired after just an hour!




Black Leggings Maternity Outfit

This is more like what I look like on a normal day. I hit up Target the day before, where I got the flats and the pink top. The top was actually in the clearance section and is supposed to be a swimsuit cover-up. Yeh, for repurposing! Leggings and the white tank came from Forever 21 (for a grand total of about $7.) Black sweater has been in my closet forever and will be getting A LOT of work this winter.

(Let’s take a quick moment to talk about how I made it about four hours before I got stains on this new shirt. I forget I have a big ‘ole belly in the way when I cook these days… Can’t take me anywhere!)


Next up was a casual outfit I wore to knock around on a Saturday where I wanted to be more dressed up than leggings, but barely. The t-shirt is another borrowed favorite from a friend (who got it at Motherhood Maternity). Jeans are from Motherhood Maternity as well. (Check me out in my first pair of skinny jeans!) Brown shoes are from Target many, many moons ago. Necklace is a one-of-a-kind beauty from The Waxwing here in Shorewood.




Pregnancy_Week_24And finally, it wouldn’t be legal for me to tell you what I’m wearing without showcasing an updated by-the-week picture. I can’t fit into my cargo pants anymore, so here’s another look at my Motherhood Maternity jeans. The t-shirt came from Gap earlier this year. I wonder how many more weeks it will still fit around the bump.





BTW – Did you note my hair is back in a ponytail in most of these pictures? I’m seriously considering a big haircut pre-Eggroll arrival. If I can’t find the time nor interest to do my hair now, how will I ever do it with a baby on my hip? Thoughts?


Every 30-Something Lady ClichĂ©…


  1. I chopped my hair off before I had my little girl – gotta say…it did make it easier…even if I missed my long hair 🙂

  2. NO MOM HAIR. Topknot it, gurl. You’re a blogger now, it’s practically the uniform.

    • Hahaha! So true. I guess if I’ve gone over to the legging dark side, I should do my hair appropriately, too. Does this mean I’d also have to invest in ironic eyewear?

  3. I cut my hair after my second. Long hair is easier though. It can go up. Short hair cannot. Short hair may not fit over your ears either. I can wash and air dry long hair. Short hair must be blown dry and styled. But I keep my hair short because I like it that way better.

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