A Cyber Monday Wish List

There are doctors without borders. And then there is shopping without shoes. As Martha Stewart would say, it’s a good thing.

Yes, my last post bestowed the virtues of shopping local this holiday season, but you know what, in winter I could easily be a hermit if I kept more chocolate products in the house. Sometimes (particularly now when nothing fits…), I just don’t feel like putting on real pants nor a smile. Also, when I shop in real stores, I WAY over buy. For myself. Never for the items actually on my list.

Let’s recap – I go out in the world to shop. I return feeling fat, feeling guilty, and without actually accomplishing anything on my list. Bummer.

Which brings me to my good friend Amazon, who never leaves me feeling this way! Now that I’m one of Those Ladies who has signed up for Amazon Mom, I really may never leave my house for soap nor socks nor Christmas presents again.

For better or worse, that’s what you’ve got from me today. Now if you want to get something FOR me, here are six items best found on the interwebs that I’m really hoping Santa brings me this year.

Happy shopping sans footwear, my friends!

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