I had so many things to be grateful for in 2013! It was a year of change*, but mostly for the better. We cleaned out mom’s house and estate, remodeled and moved into our own new home, got pregnant, went on a couple of trips and I finished my yoga teacher certification. All in all, a productive and happy year.
*Understatement of the year!
Here are a few posts that talk about specific things I was grateful for. What are your favorite things from 2013?
Yoga Stuff
As I started the year and got deep into my yoga teacher training, I was so excited about yoga-related items. I’ve since found my new favorite mat. It’s from Jade Yoga and is a deep crimson red. As Shelby from Steel Magnolias would say, red “is my signature color”. This mat is just the right thickness and is perfectly sticky to keep me from slipping.
A Beautiful Mess Blog

I follow this blog from two of the most creative sisters in the Midwest to get dinner and craft ideas, but back in September they posted a couple of articles that really resonated with me professionally. In short, after six years of doing different things, they were packing it up to focus on their blog. These articles reminded me that life is journey and to be patient in figuring out what I want to be when I grow up. I’ll get there sooner or later!
If pregnancy is good for nothing else, it gives one all the permission in the world to eat. And eating I am! At any given time, I have so many snacks in the house you’d think we were a convenience store. This post talked about some of my favorites including sweet, savory and audible varieties.
A Handy Husband
Our new home (and old house for that matter!) wouldn’t look anywhere near as nice as it does if it wasn’t for Randy and his need to complete a task in its entirety, down to the smallest detail absolutely no one will ever notice. Everything he touches looks great! This post specifically talks about the washer and dryer pedestal stand he created, but there isn’t a room in the house where you don’t see his handiwork. Big fan.
Happy new year everyone! I hope you have lots of great memories to be grateful for come morning.