During the week, my husband’s alarm goes off at 6am. Mine doesn’t ding until 6:50. 50% of the time I have NO problem enjoying that extra almost-hour. Other mornings I’m more awake than he is when his bell goes off. Call it nerves, anticipation, or just plain ole’ monkey mind, but my brain is off […]
Month: January 2014
My 2014 Intentions
All of the talk this week about goal and intention setting has made me want to share with y’all what I’m thinking for 2014. This has been an interesting year to try to plan. Normally, I have a three page strategic plan for my year (yes, I do have OCD tendencies, why do you ask?), […]
2014 Goal Setting – The Long Version
Didn’t you love yesterday’s post from Dan about setting 3 Words of intention for 2014. It’s so simple!! I’m such a wordy person in writing and in thought – this concept gives me great focus and I can’t stop thinking about it. On the other hand… I have so many details and plans!! How do […]
Guest Blogger – 3 Words for 2014
Good morning! I’m so excited to welcome my first guest blogger of 2014, Dan Polley of Mansquees from Polleydan fame, to the stage today. To get our 2014 kicked off right, Dan explains how he sets his intentions for the year. Three words. Who knew it could be that simple?! _____________________________________________________ Each year, in the […]
Yoga Off the Mat – Natural Ways to Relieve Tension Headaches
Ah friends, welcome back to work! Back to the cold and dark weather of January where unless your employer celebrates MLK Day, you don’t get a paid holiday for five whole months. Yah! Happiness all around. Or, er… something like that. I can’t bring you fruity cocktails (or hot toddies if you’re in the Milwaukee […]