This week is the Week of the Book! Well, not The Book. I have yet to make that a priority. Maybe next year. But before Eggroll came around, I got as many chick lit and popular new releases as I could carry from the library. Today I’ll talk fun ones. Tomorrow we’ll do business and […]
Month: February 2014
Yoga Off the Mat – The Tao of Martha
I recently discovered an author that may be my new favorite. Have you read any Jen Lancaster books? It looks like her “thing” is to do something for a certain amount of time and then write about the experience. Not only are her reflections honest, they are completely 100% hilarious. It’s not often that a […]
Guest Blogger – Four Life Lessons for Yesterday and Today
I’ve blathered on this month about having grown-up responsibilities, right? Well, there is barely anything more grown-up than having a financial planner. I mean, a financial planner that is an actual human with a degree and a book of business and not your mom breathing down your neck asking how you think you’re going to […]
The Difference Between Ages 15 and 33
I’ve been trying to figure out the difference between teenage Maggie and grown-up Maggie for a while now. There are the obvious answers, but I honestly believe I look better now than I did then. Pre-pregnancy, I weighed less than I did at 16, my skin is finally smooth, and, with the help of a […]
A Few Words About Pregnancy Hormones
As I write this, it is 5:04am. It’s been four days since Eggroll’s due date and we’ve got four more days until our induction deadline. My body has yet to show any of the typical signs of impending birth, but I’ll tell you one thing – the good pregnancy hormones are gone! If you have […]