It’s been a few weeks since I’ve done a Yoga Off the Mat post and I just found the perfect thing to share in that realm! One of my favorite blogs introduced me to the 100 Happy Days challenge.
The concept is as simple as it sounds. Find something that makes you happy each day. Write that thing down in a journal or take a picture and share on your favorite social media platform.

As we’ve learned in this month’s guest posts (and a couple left to go up this week…), we can be grateful for things that don’t necessarily bring a smile to our face. There is a lot to take away from less than perfect situations, but sometimes it’s nice to just find the bliss in the moment (and/or the chocolate bar… I have yet to meet a chocolate product that has not made me happy.)
I’d love to hear if you decide to take up this challenge. I’m going to document my happiness on Instagram using the hashtag #100happydays. Will I see you there?