I finally got it! As of 12:15 yesterday, I’ve got my doctor’s permission to rejoin humanity. I can exercise and let Eggroll be around other kids with cooties and well, other things. YAH!
It’s been six weeks since I’ve been relatively homebound and definitely not in my normal fighting shape. Add that to the last ten months (yes, pregnancy is ten months, not nine!) of being incapacitated in one way or another and boy, am I ready to get back out there.
Tomorrow is my birthday and as a present to myself, I’m going to zumba where I may or may not be able to actually shake my tailfeathers, but I can try! Eggroll will go into the gym’s kid care while I am there, giving me 60 minutes of dedicated Me Time and her first chance to meet some new friends. My lamb, I can’t wait.
April 2nd will be a big day, but I am dedicating the whole month of April to getting back on the wagon with all the things I’ve let go – exercise, diet, writing, keeping the Noah tumbleweeds under control, etc. I plan on hosting people at our house again and getting the chocolate intake back to less than three products per day (baby steps, people!). I’m going to write from the heart at least once a week and go back to yoga until I get my strong plank back.

In the spirit of success, I’m going to volley this challenge back to you as well. It is technically spring out there with summer soon to follow. Perhaps for you that means swimsuit season or your big race is closer on the horizon. Maybe its the end of your school year and you have one more project to tackle before June. We can all probably stand to shake off the winter doldrums or whatever else is holding us back and refocus on our goals.
As we look forward, let’s not get caught up on what we used to do. This pilates instructor currently can’t do a full sit-up to save my life, let alone a fancy teaser, but I will get back there with the proper training! That said, if I spent too much time working on sit-ups, I could easily hurt something in the c-section area that is just now finally healing. On the other hand, if I just did four crunches every few days, I’d never get anywhere. I need to challenge myself without going overboard.
What’s your sit-up equivalent? What goal can you give yourself that you will stick with for the next 30 days? What is attainable only with hard work and dedication? It’s only 30 days. You can do anything for that long, right?
Good luck and namaste, friends!
Way to go, Maggie! I love the positive attitude, my friend.
Thank you Jamie! Perhaps we can cheerlead for each other?!
Absolutely! That’s a wonderful idea! Let me know also when you start teaching again. Maybe my schedule could coordinate with taking your class.