I’m enjoying my thirties. Really I am. But there is one thing that really bugs me – I’m starting to get serious wrinkles. That comes with the territory of middle age, so all would be fine(ish), but the pre-pubescent acne hasn’t gone away!
I thought I was finally zit-free, but it turns out that was just the pregnancy hormones talking. My skin may look teenager-y for the rest of my life, so I’m trying to keep the wrinkles at bay for as long as I can. That might be a good while due to the ProVectin Plus Advanced Wrinkle Repair lotion available only at Walgreens. This stuff is magical!
My worst offending wrinkle areas are right around my eyes and mouth. I quit using this lotion for a few weeks while pregnant while I made sure it was OK to use (it was!) and the wrinkles returned. Two weeks of putting this on at night and POOF! The wrinkles were gone again.
My skin is infamously sensitive, so I can’t tolerate many chemicals or even natural ingredients in my toiletries. This lotion soothed and moistened my skin right from the start.
Bonus – This lotion works on stretch marks, too!
I’ve had stretch marks since I went through puberty so I expected many “tiger stripes” from pregnancy. To try to keep that to a minimum, I put this lotion on my belly every morning before I put on my regular Aveeno stuff. No stretch marks! That might just be luck, you say and you say right. I have had stretch marks come back on my legs and hips from the (at first) rapid weight loss after delivery. A few wipes of this in the morning and ta-da, all gone!
This lotion can only be found at Walgreens locations and their web site. I think its cheaper online, but I may be wrong. At $25 a bottle, it is pretty expensive to spread all over your body, so I leave it to just my face, neck, and anywhere I’m trying to tackle stretch marks. Keep a bottle of regular (cheaper!) lotion handy for the rest of your skin. I believe this is a generic knock-off for a more expensive product, but I’d recommend this one first. If you can save $100 (yes, $100!) a bottle, why not?!
Next up, I’ll keep trying to tackle the acne. Have you found anything that works for that problem? I’m a toiletry junkie, so I’m all ears as to your next purchase suggestions!!