Survey for Yoga and Beer Party

When Should We Have A Yoga and Beer Party??

I’m not sure summer ever officially hit Wisconsin, but the schedule (if by “schedule” you mean, how in the world is it State Fair time already?!?!?) says its starting to wind down into fall. Wah wah.

In an effort to eek out all the fun we can, I’m going to host a yoga and beer party over in Estabrook Park here in Shorewood. We’ll do yoga for an hour by the Kilborntown House and then head over to the beer garden for some of Munich Hofbräuhaus’ finest (and/or a yummy pretzel.)

There will be a small fee, I’m thinking like $10. This will get you a fun yoga practice with me and some snacks afterwards. Bring a yoga mat and extra money for the beer.

But before we get to all that, I need to know…

When can you make it?!? Survey for Yoga and Beer Party   [socialpoll id=”2212989″]

Polls will close this Thursday, July 31st. Stay tuned for an invite early next week!

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