Month: November 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!
Deep Thoughts

Happy Thanksgiving!

This is going up at 4pm my time, which is just about the time things will be getting hot and heavy in my kitchen. I will be changing this… into this… So let’s just leave it at this… Today, I am grateful for a kitchen full of yummy food, a table full of family and […]

Quick workout you can do at home
Healthy Living

Three Workouts For When You Are Stuck Inside

Ok, I get it. Unless I was writing this from Buffalo, NY, I really shouldn’t be allowed to complain about the weather, but I’ve never let rules stop me before. It’s officially cold and snowy here in Milwaukee, leaving me feeling like a hermit again. Add to my normal dislike of cold weather, the fact […]

Cooking School

Braise Culinary School Graduation Dinner

What an experience. That sums up all I have to say about this past Sunday when we, Braise Culinary School students, took over the restaurant’s kitchen and cooked for our friends and family. We had our hands in everything from the piles and piles of perfectly batonette root vegetables to the melted chocolate that coated the […]