Baking Chez Moi by Dorie Greenspan would be a great Christmas present.

Editing A Christmas List Into Four Categories

Hey friends! Have you figured out what you want for Christmas this year? I typically think of things all year long and then get stumped when someone asks. This year, I took notes.

I’m going to try something new when it comes to shopping for Randy and Malorie. Instead of buying all of the things, I will keep it to four categories – want, need, do, and read. I got this idea from Emily at Jones Design Company. I have memories of Christmas trees from my youth just overflowing with presents for me. Really, it was ridiculous. I can look back with gratitude, but I’m not sure I felt that way at the time. Simply put, I was spoiled. I don’t want that to happen for Malorie, so I’d like to keep Christmas in check right from the start.

In that spirit, I’ve put together my wish list separated into the same categories.


A Camera/Laptop/Transient Office Bag

Kelly Moore Camera and Laptop Bag from A Beautiful MessI love working from Angelic’s kitchen space, but it doesn’t leave me anywhere to leave my stuff behind. When I’m packing up for a day in the office, I find myself stuffing everything in my bag. I might need it!

Hence the need for a bag that can comfortably hold my laptop, lunch, notebooks and files. As an added bonus, I would really like a bag that could also hold my fancy camera. It would be helpful to have my camera with me whenever I’m at Angelic. You never know when a photo opp might arise! When I leave the house, I typically also have Malorie and her bag (and maybe a gym bag), so I really don’t want to carry a fourth bag. Stuff the camera into the main briefcase and I’d be good to go!



Target sweatersEvery year around the beginning of November, I look in my closet and find nothing that is seasonably appropriate. Every year I say “this is the year I shall buy sweaters” and yet, come every November the following year, I find myself looking at the same short stack of worn garments I’ve had since my parents still lived in Wisconsin. (They were good with sweater purchases.)

This year, I would really love it if my gift-givers could take it upon themselves to help a fashionably challenged girlfriend out. The sweaters don’t have to be fancy. These options at Target all would suffice. I’m down for all shapes though I am partial to those that would look good with leggings (yes, I’m sorry… I’m awful) or go over shirts from my Ironic T-Shirt collection.


Milwaukee County Zoo Pass

Milwaukee County Zoo PassYep, I guess I’m officially a mom if I think a zoo pass is the right investment for my 2015. Sure, Randy could go with this standard Pfister massage + Indulgence chocolate package and win big, but I think this year we should switch it up to a family gift. We took Eggroll to the zoo a couple of times this last year and she was too young to get it. I’m assuming our trips would still be short next summer, but it would make for a nice outing whenever we go.

I want to do more family outings in 2015. We don’t do good when we are here at home. Between playing on our phones, getting the next meal ready, or watching a movie we’ve seen 8,000 times, we can’t focus on each other within the walls of our home. Going out should help that.


Baking Chez Moi by Dorie Greenspan would be a great Christmas present.Baking Chez Moi: Recipes from My Paris Home to Your Home Anywhere

I first heard about this cookbook while listening to The Food Seen on the Heritage Radio Network. (WARNING: Hipsters abound on every corner of this medium!) I love all things baking, French, and casual so this seems like the perfect addition to my cookbook collection.

Does anyone have a Dorie Greenspan cookbook already? She certainly has an extensive resume!

That’s my list. What are you asking for this holiday season? Do you think you could pare down to just four gifts for each family member?


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