Funny Owl

Giving My Writer’s Block Some Attention

Hey guys! As I continue to figure out how to make this new schedule work, I keep finding myself totally braindead when it’s time to work here on the blog. I’ve got great ideas flowing in the middle of Zumba class and at 2 am when I can’t sleep, but I’m struggling to remember them once I have pen or keyboard in hand.

Please give me the next few weeks to figure out how to make this all work. This blog is still a passion and priority for me, but I haven’t been able to let anything go. So far, everything is still priority number one. That’s not going to work for long!

In the meantime, please enjoy this video of an owl that I have watched no less than 30 times. (Hmm… Maybe that’s where all my time is going!) It makes me giggle every. single. time.

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