True Life: I’m An Eleven Month Old

We’ve got a double-header from Miss Eggroll this week. Tuesday were the 10 month old shots. Today is the 11 month old ones from January 16th. I can’t believe this is the last time we’ll be measuring time in monthly increments!

Sidenote – I really, really, really hope I don’t let myself fall prey to the “oh, she’s 14 months old” trap. Eggroll will be 1, 1 and a half and 2. Yes, you have my full permission to poke fingers and laugh at me when I’m not successful on this one.

We took these pictures the day of the Packer implosion, to which Eggroll has to say…


Why, daddy, why?! Why did the Packers stop playing three minutes before the game was really over? Why am I wearing a dress on a Sunday? (Answer – this is the only green she owns.) Why are you trying to take my picture when you really should be putting me down for a nap? Why are you letting this snot drip down my face?

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OOF! That did not make it any better!! You guys are killing me…

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From here we gave Eggroll a little break where she wandered around, dumped over a coffee table, got a scratch on her eye and several hugs from mama and daddy.


Then we tried again…

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Good enough for me. Time for a nap, baby girl.


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God, is she adorable. LOVE!

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