A couple of you have (rightfully) questioned my willingness to post negative thoughts about my workplace yesterday. Thank you for your concern, but I am confident this is the right place to air my issues.
First and most importantly, I am not jumping ship. Actually, since I’m on the search for what I want to be when I grow up vs. “get me outta here!”, I can see me staying put for a long time. That’s a search that takes years, not days. Your boss and my boss should have the same amount of concern about losing their employees. Also, no matter what the situation, I am a good employee. I will always give 100%; maybe not 110% if I’m not feeling the love, but I’ll give you more than what is expected at all times. I take pride in my work and given my needs for compliments, I’ll continue to strive especially when not being recognized. And finally, most of these people are great. Simply put, I love being with them and will miss them terribly when we’re not working together. On the flip side, I’m learning both to put up barriers and to learn from those that are less than perfect. Yep, those are the folks I can probably get the most out of. It may be “what not to do”, but it’s a lesson none the less.
Now, all of that said, I’m never going to not talk about something because it’s a touchy subject. (But I guess I will use double negatives.) I’ll never be defamatory or tell you deep, dark secrets that may keep me from being president someday, but this blog is an honest perspective on adulthood. You show me a person that has never been unhappy in their job and I’ll show you a liar. I found solace in writing when watching my dad die and find that same relief in writing about lighter, yet still stressful topics. I ask that you, oh reader, my reader, respect that and share your own comments now and then. No excuses-you get to do it anonymously!
<3 this! Keep it up!!