What I’m Reading: Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?

Yep, it’s a book review. Perfect blog fodder for a writer who’s run out of stuff to talk about. (Who had January 16 in the pool? You owe me a Coke with your winnings.)

It’s not just a book review though, it’s also a preview of a new part of the blog that’s coming soon to an electronic device near you!

(I was going to write here “per one of my new year’s resolutions…” but that drinking game is probably getting old. Yep, I made a goal. Yep, I hit step one. I win! Step two will be much harder. That’ll be worth taking a shot for.)

Mindy Kaling Book Cover

I just finished reading Mindy Kaling’s Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? And Other Concerns. Honestly, I got it because it was the only semi-interesting e-book available via my local library. I was more excited to “oh” and “aw” over the new reading experience of the iPad than to actually add another thing to my to do list, but this delightful book was a very quick read. I seriously think the title was just a word or two shorter than some of the chapters. I like that. Mindy tells stories that sound like they could have come from my history. My history, as told by a much funnier narrator.

I really like Mindy’s writing because it reads as I imagine my books would – i.e. a conversation that is half written and the other half said out loud, in a room by the reader’s self. Yes, Maggie, I too believe that leggings aren’t pants!

Which brings me to my new section introduction. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Heroes & Legends. I am very excited to post my first interview next week. This woman is one of my biggest inspirations in life. If you don’t know her, (which you probably do, because she knows everyone) I think she’ll get you thinking, too.

I could write more about Mindy’s book, but this isn’t War & Peace. It’s worth a pick-up the next time you need plane entertainment or something to kill time before you fall asleep. And if I could get a chance to hang with Mindy at my ultimate cocktail party or just over ice cream (I feel like we’d do ice cream over coffee or cocktails), well, that wouldn’t suck.

Update! One of my favorite blogs, Jones Design Company is having a book-related link party this week. Check it out by clicking on the picture below.

what i'm reading

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