So many thanks to my girlfriends, C and E, for coming down to Texas to help me leave mom and dad’s house for (hopefully) one last time and to enjoy a fun road trip home with my new car.
I don’t know about the ladies, but I had a great time. Lots of time to talk, to think, to read magazines, and to daydream. We saw the country from corner to corner, which was particularly awesome on day 3 while we listened to the presidential inauguration ceremonies. Even if you’re not an Obama fan, it was amazing to be in plowing down a freeway in south central Illinois while listening to every patriotic song ever played.
Here’s a quick gallery of some pictures from the trip. The title of this post may hint at a missing photo. We’ve decided it wouldn’t be smart to post our picture with our little tag-along, but I will say if you ever need the perfect backdrop for a photo with a firearm, the backwoods of Arkansas may give you everything you could ever want.
(Let me also use this as a PSA – if your dad is keeping weaponry for his friends at his house, make sure that stuff gets taken care of before it’s your responsibility to return said items. Icky task!)
Truly, Margaret Mary is a lifestyle blog based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This is my little corner of the internet where I get to talk about whatever is on my mind. Currently, that is food, babies, food, entrepreneurship, food, the real good life and, you guessed it, food.