X10 Challenge Week 7 – Figuring Out What’s Important

Folks, I’m struggling with this post; as I obviously am doing with this challenge, too. When I set my mind to something, I can normally get it done. What I’m realizing is that I don’t think I set my mind (and keep it set) very often.

The scale has not changed, which I should not find surprising. My diet and exercise schedule was pretty much a repeat of the week before. How could I expect different results? Given that the scale hasn’t changed, I haven’t really wanted to come here to report it, but the rest of my writing has fallen by the wayside. I feel like I’m failing at that, too.

That said, everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) else in my life took a giant step forward last week. My first big wedding went without a hitch. I made some professional connections that are going to jump-start my businesses. I added two more challenging yoga poses to the list of things I can do. Randy and I made a big decision about our future (talk about your cliff-hanger… you’ll have to tune in later to see what I’m talking about) and even discussed a fun summer vacation.

At the beginning of the year, I made my normal yearly strategic plan with 8,000 things to tackle. Over the last month, I have scratched out a bunch. Not because I completed them, but because I only have so much time in a day. I can do a bunch of things poorly or a few things well. But what if I pick the wrong thing to focus on if it can’t keep my attention?

I think this is where I am with the weight loss, too. I want to become more fit, yes. A lower number on the scale would be swell, but is it a priority for me right now? Or do I focus on adding in new yoga poses and healthy dinner recipes to my repertoire and just see how I feel when I look in a mirror?

We have three weeks left to go. How do you think I should proceed?

Have any of you struggled with this debate? If so, where did you end up?


  1. You obviously are much healthier than I am, but I struggle to stay focused every single day. It’s so easy to focus on other things…work especially. And then I just get caught up in it. I have no easy answer. All I can say is that being healthy is what is most important…not a number on the scale. Healthy choices, healthy foods, being active. Health. Not weight.

    • You make a good point, Heather. Randy is in much better shape than me, but he gets sick more often and has high cholesterol. I guess overall health IS the most important thing.

  2. Finish your challenge, but focus on health. You can always extend the challenge too. Don’t put pressure on yourself or your body will revolt. Health first, weight loss second. It’ll all happen eventually.

    Also, have you checked the WeightWatchers guide for your height/weight. It gives a range. It took me awhile, but I realized my body is just meant to be at the top of that range. That’s totally fine 🙂

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