X10 Challenge Week 10: Enjoying the Journey, Not the Destination

Hello again friends! Here we are at week 10 of my weight loss challenge. I find myself one pound lighter than where I was when I started. Technically a loss, so I guess it wasn’t a complete failure, but still… blah.

I think we have gone through all the stages of “ain’t gonna do it – itis” (denial, excuses, acceptance…), so no need for me to bore you with any more of those details. Just know I’m kinda bummed that this didn’t go anywhere, but I’m not that surprised and/or beating myself up about it.

We have discovered that yoga is definitely my thing. There are routes that are good for mental health and others for physical health. I think this is THE exercise for me. That said, I definitely need to up my cardio.

We have also figured out that I have some food issues. I wouldn’t go as far as saying I have an eating disorder, but the mere thought of having to give up chocolate for a week makes me a little ill. I am going to explore this problem a bit more, but sorry folks…that’s going to be a personal journey. I know I’m an over-sharer, but y’all don’t need to know every last detail. (P.S. You’re welcome.)

I have decided to take on a new physical challenge for the next quarter in hopes that I can bump up the exercise enough to negate at least some of the chocolate in-take. On June 15th, I’m going to give the Rock N’ Sole Quarter Marathon (really…it’s a 10k… a crazy long distance, but let’s not pretend it’s any part of a marathon…) another go.

I did this race two years ago. Totally didn’t train enough (which I’m sure we all find super surprising…), so paired with the sub-par race conditions, I had a finishing time of 1:16:00-ish. I didn’t think I would run the whole thing, but I walked much more than I expected. This year, I do hope to run the majority (maybe giving myself walking breaks around the water stops), so I’ve got a lot of training to do.

The fact that I finally ran the 5k distance last year was a major mental breakthrough. Pair that with my surprisingly strong legs I have recently discovered (thank you yoga teacher training!), I just might do this. I’m starting my training easy. Super easy. Last week I ran .6 miles in one shot. You laugh, but I was able to do this distance at any easy pace and without mental mind games. I needed that as my baseline to prove I can do this and guess what – I can!

Tonight is .75 miles. Wednesday is a full mile. I’m guessing I may have to stay at a distance around a mile and a half for awhile, but I have 3 months (and only 1,400 other things going on…) to get there. Let’s see how I can do this year.

So thanks for coming along on this journey. My apologies that it really wasn’t that exciting, but they can’t all be worth celebrating. Tune in in June to see how the race went. Summer is a much better time for fireworks and celebration anyway.

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