Viking River Cruise

A Birthday Wish List

It’s my birthday and I’ll daydream if I want to! As an only child, I used to consider this a big holiday. Now that I’m a mom with a husband who travels for work, I’m honestly just hoping for take out Chinese and the time to take a bath tonight. But if I could ask for anything, here’s what I’d want.

New Sneakers

I have running shoes that have lost their tread and really old cross-trainers that have no arch support. Pregnancy has flattened my feet out, so I need that support or I can’t walk far at all. Moral of the story, I’m due for some new sneaks and I’d love to get some “run faster, jump highers” in trendy neon colors to get me jazzed for exercising.

Red Wine

Raven from Becker VineyardsTwo Christmases ago, my aunt and uncle took Randy and I on a tour of Texas wine country. While out, we had a great red from Becker Vineyard. I purchased a bottle which we decided to open when we moved into the new house. If you remember correctly, I found out I was pregnant one week before we moved in. Wah Wah.

One glass of wine now and then is acceptable when you’re breastfeeding, but not a whole bottle minus a teeny, tiny glass. (Randy’s not a big red wine guy.) When I dive into this guy, I’m going to want to do it in an evening or two, so it’ll have to wait until I have a stock of milk in the freezer and can take the night off. Someday…

Jeans That Fit

Folks say that your body changes shape when you’re pregnant. Add that to the 15+ pounds I’m still carrying around and none of my jeans fit – maternity or non. I hate shopping for jeans. Actually, I’m really not that excited about wearing jeans either, but I feel like I need a pair. What if I want to go to a rodeo or farm some crops or work in a 1920s factory or something?? I need jeans! Since this is a magical wish list, I’d add jeans that were custom-made for me, so I didn’t have to wrestle with a bunch in a too hot dressing room somewhere.

Viking Cruise Down an European River

Viking River Cruise
Just hanging with my lady friends cruising down a river.

I used to say I could only shop at Chico’s when I turned 30. (What can I say? They have great jewelry and wrinkle-free, travel appropriate pants!) And then I turned 30 and pushed off that date to my 40th birthday. I feel like the same law should be instituted for a Viking river cruise.

All of their marketing collateral shows very attractive couples in their 50s, which means that the clientele is probably on the far end of their 60s or 70s, but the cruises look like so much fun! It would be like a houseboat, but with maid service and croissants. Maybe in this fantasy dreamland all of my friends also have unlimited funds and we could charter out a boat sans our parents and/or parent-age friends.


Monogrammed Note CardsI am due for new monogrammed notecards or letterhead with my new initials. (Is it still new if it’s three years old?) I have a bunch of cute thank you cards, but I feel like I need fancy initialed paper, too. Is there anyone in your life you’d expect to have monogrammed paper more than me? That’s what I thought.

So there’s my imaginary wish list. What would you put on yours?

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