Sweet Malorie

Month Two of Eggroll

Seeing as we are already two weeks into month three, I suppose it’s time to post some pictures from Malorie’s second month out in the world.

It was a busy month!

I may have jumped the gun a little bit, but Eggroll went to the gym for the first time. She likes her new friends in Kid Care, but had even more fun doing a core workout with mom.

Baby at the Gym

Whew! That’s hard work. That deserves a nap.

Baby sleeping

Malorie also attended her first Brewers game, where the Brewers beat the Pirates. It was a very short game and she slept through the whole thing. Hate to see what would happen if we took her to a PGA event.

Baby's First Brewers Game

Eggroll took many baths this month, but cried through most of them. She takes after her mama – she prefers really warm water for her tub. We finally got the hint and the nice camera and grabbed some cute shots for the last bath of the month.

Baby in the bathtub

Baby getting dry after bath

During the month, she had a bunch of visitors including her aunts and cousins from IL. Malorie has a biggilion cousins on her dad’s side, including this “little” lad who is two days younger than her. Yes, my girl is a peanut. And not very happy to share the camera.

Cousins picture

Her buddy Braylon stopped by with his mom and dad, too. He was such a big helper and enjoyed holding Miss Malorie.

Toddler and Baby

We also spent some time just me and her while Randy was traveling for work. I kept us both busy by taking pictures to send to dad. She may not smile for anything else, but she’ll always smile for her daddy!

Mommy and Me Selfie

I celebrated my birthday a few times including Malorie’s first trip to a restaurant, Cafe Hollander, a dinner party with my friends and their kids, and a big celebration with her Milwaukee cousins.

A lot of kids!

Let the record show that Betsy requested that she be cut out of the picture. Who knew my camera knew how to respond to requests?! Sorry (or not sorry!?), Betsy! P.S. Malorie is going to RULE staring contests. Girlfriend does not blink!


P.S. Many thanks to Miss H who gave me the rock she’s holding as a birthday present. Best. Present. Ever.

The month flew by and it was time to take the 2 month pictures before I knew it. Honestly, April 16th flew by without me even realizing the date. I took these pictures late in the afternoon on the 17th, right before the sun went behind the clouds, giving me really poor light and a very unhappy baby.

#realgoodlife Baby pictures

I put her in her cute Native Wisconsin onsie, but she was so unhappy the whole time, you can never see it. She decided to accessorize with a little spit-up that came up in her angst. I added the towel and the blurry action.

Unhappy baby

Easter was coming later that week, so I thought an Easter basket shot would be appropriate. Yep, that went well.

Pinterest Fail

So how about some bunny ears?

Unhappy Easter Bunny

Girlfriend finally calmed down when I held her and let her have her nuk. I’m afraid she is 10 weeks hold and already has an addiction. Or maybe mama just doesn’t like to hear her cry. Looks like we’re all learning!

Sweet Malorie

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