Change Your Plan

Changing Your Flight Plan

Today’s the day. The sentimental day where we turn to people we’ve met since this day last year to relay where we were on this day in 2001. (For my new readers, I was still in SC, out on a walk with a CD walkman on with nary a family member within 948 miles.) It is a day where we get all philosophical and shit and think about what we would change if we knew it would all end tomorrow.

I’m going to see that emotional upheaval and raise you a permission to change your course…

The weekend following 9/11/01 was supposed to be Parents’ Weekend at USC. Perhaps it still was, but all I remember is that my dad (mom was recovering from yet another hip surgery) wasn’t able to fly down to see me that weekend. Just when I couldn’t have used a padre anymore, his trip was cancelled. Flights were technically flying by then, but barely. Instead, I had to wait until October 9th before flying home for a long weekend. Man, was that a long three weeks.

How does this translate to today’s line of thinking? Today, I am giving you permission to change your flight plan, too. If you set your sites on a straight and narrow path that is no longer doing it for you, I think you should figure out how to set the ship right. Could you change your job? Go back to school? Leave the bad boyfriend? Use the smartphone less? Use the sneakers more?

Change Your Plan

Just because your original coordinates were aiming you in one direction, doesn’t mean you can’t change plans.

Except to turn around, because if we’re getting all philosophical, there’s no going back.

Many hugs to you on this day and all as we celebrate America, our freedoms, and our ability to ultimately do what we want.

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