
That’s Miss Eggroll To You

That’s Miss Eggroll To You

Randy and I are so excited to share that we are expecting a little girl. Finally! Something I can relate to. I may not know how to change a diaper or put together a feeding schedule, but I was once a little girl. I’ve at least got that similarity going […]

Picture taken at Week 20, Day 1, Hour 11, Minute 46 if we're getting particular.

Observations From the Field (Month 4ish)

If you thought I was distracted by shiny objects before, well woo doggies, if they could see me now! Here are a few thoughts about pregnancy that have come to me over the last couple of weeks. Nothing worth writing a whole post about, but I am documenting none-the-less. I […]

My First Letter to Eggroll

My First Letter to Eggroll

Dearest Eggroll, This is the last few hours that I will know nothing about you. We soon find out if you are a boy or a girl, healthy or not. But for now it’s all in my imagination. I have my fingers crossed that you are a girl, but really […]