Grateful For

Grateful for things besides food
Grateful For

Grateful for Things Besides Food

I’ve been a little food-centric this week on the blog and well, everywhere in my life, so today brings a bonus post where I bring back the “Grateful For” series to find things that don’t relate to food, babies, blogging, or zumba class that still make my tail wag. Let’s broaden our horizons, shall we?

Malorie moved to a crib
Deep Thoughts, Everyday, Grateful For, Stuff Grown-ups Like

It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! With the grass that needs cutting And dishing the tasty noms that go great with beer It’s the most yummiest time of the year! It’s the hap, happiest season of all With those cool breezes blowing and nothing worth going When nap time comes to call It’s the hap, happiest season of all There’ll be […]