Healthy Living

Quick workout you can do at home
Healthy Living

Three Workouts For When You Are Stuck Inside

Ok, I get it. Unless I was writing this from Buffalo, NY, I really shouldn’t be allowed to complain about the weather, but I’ve never let rules stop me before. It’s officially cold and snowy here in Milwaukee, leaving me feeling like a hermit again. Add to my normal dislike of cold weather, the fact […]

Grateful for things besides food
Grateful For

Grateful for Things Besides Food

I’ve been a little food-centric this week on the blog and well, everywhere in my life, so today brings a bonus post where I bring back the “Grateful For” series to find things that don’t relate to food, babies, blogging, or zumba class that still make my tail wag. Let’s broaden our horizons, shall we?

One Bad Yogi
Healthy Living

One Bad Yogi Is One Great Teacher

I try and I try to do yoga at home by myself. There is plenty of space and I know all the sequences, right? True, but that does not take into effect the piles of laundry that attract my Shiny Object radar, nor the fact that I always slack when I’m working out alone. Enter […]

Be Here Now
Yoga Off The Mat Series

Be Here Now

I can’t believe I’ve made it this far into writing my blog without talking about this phrase. I coined it* back in college and try, desperately, to make it a daily motto, especially when I feel life spiraling out of control. My junior year of college, my roommate, who I’ve never mentioned before (wink, wink), […]