Shelby, our chef from yesterday, not only has great recipes, but also has a good philosophy on gratitude. When asked what gratitude means to her, this is what she had to say. ________________________________________________________ I have learned that gratitude doesn’t always come in a pretty wrapped bow and certainly doesn’t come when you are expecting it. […]
Guest Blogger – An Everyday Guy Experiences A Sweat Lodge
I first met Adam and his girlfriend, Stephanie, at the first yoga teacher training weekend. They showed up with meditation stools and other fancy accouterments of yoga. I was totally in awe. These guys were the real deal. But when we got back from our lunch break, the ideal was dashed for as we took […]
What I’m Reading: Self-Inflicted Wounds by Aisha Tyler
OMG, you guys. If you need a laugh, I highly recommend Aisha Tyler‘s new book, Self-Inflicted Wounds: Heartwarming Tales of Epic Humiliation. If you listen to her podcast (you ARE listening to her podcast, right?!), you know that she makes her guests share an embarrassing story of the highest caliber on each show. There have […]
What Does Gratitude Mean To You?
Hey guys! As you can imagine, I am riding the Gratitude Train at a high-speed clip these days. Knock on wood, but life is working in my favor at the moment. That makes it pretty darn easy to be grateful. But life isn’t always pretty, making this week’s Yoga Off the Mat lesson pretty quick – […]
Guest Blogger – Advice for 23 from Age 41
Today’s post comes from a girlfriend, Kristin Reed. I first met Kristin at one of my (un)forgettable jobs where we were two of the few young professionals. This business didn’t really promote interdepartmental friendships, so I think it’s more the beauty of Facebook that I can thank for keeping Kristin in my life. Kristin and […]