Deep Thoughts

Deep Thoughts

Weekend Poll: What Was Your Best Birthday?

In honor of this weekend’s jubilee, this week’s poll is about birthdays! What has been your favorite birthday? I’m going to say my best was my 16th birthday. I had a new outfit (white shirt, yellow skirt and vest…what the heck was I thinking?!) and we had (surprise, surprise) Yen Ching for dinner that night. […]

Deep Thoughts

First, Sign a Crazy Waiver

I’ve joked with friends that you have to certify you are nutballs before you’re allowed to comment on news web sites. Today I’ve been grossed out by what I’ve found. What do these people do when they aren’t commenting on web sites and blogs? They obviously don’t exist in normal society, because holy Christmas are […]

Deep Thoughts, Inspiration, Travel

O’Rally Report

(First, some housekeeping… Looks like the Couer d’Alene nightlife report isn’t going to happen. I wanted to write it from the perspective of current pop music lyrics and the top eight at 8:00 has already changed. Needless to say that it was very interesting and we had no problem getting slizzard. Next, for the report on […]

Deep Thoughts, Inspiration

You Sure About That, Jim?

A couple of you have (rightfully) questioned my willingness to post negative thoughts about my workplace yesterday. Thank you for your concern, but I am confident this is the right place to air my issues. First and most importantly, I am not jumping ship. Actually, since I’m on the search for what I want to […]