Tag: baby toys

Nine month old baby

Photos of Nine Month Old Eggroll

You guys, today was a big day for both of us. Miss Eggroll had her first day of school today. I’m afraid that just like I made Noah scared of the vet, my anxiety was transferred to Malorie. She normally loves all people, but when I put her down this morning at daycare girlfriend came apart. […]

Eight-Month Old Baby Monthly Pictures

Photos of Eggroll – Month Eight

My dad would often tell me that he liked me even more “at this age”. The older I got, the more we could talk about and the more experiences we could share. In the midst of it, I took some offense to this statement. What was wrong with me at 3, 12, 24?? But now […]

Malorie moved to a crib
Babies, Inspiration

Four Things That Need To Be Made For Babies

Saturday marks a half a year. A whole six months with Miss Eggroll by my side. Wow. These 178 days of motherhood leave me FAR from being an expert, but I do know enough now to offer creative suggestions for manufacturing entrepreneurs looking for The Next Big Idea. If these four things for baby had existed, […]