Tag: cute maternity attire

Everyday, Stuff Grown-ups Like

A Cyber Monday Wish List

There are doctors without borders. And then there is shopping without shoes. As Martha Stewart would say, it’s a good thing. Yes, my last post bestowed the virtues of shopping local this holiday season, but you know what, in winter I could easily be a hermit if I kept more chocolate products in the house. […]

Black Leggings Maternity Outfit
Inspiration, Pregnancy

What I Wore In Month Five of Pregnancy

I am a walking cliché. Go ahead and make fun of me, because I’m definitely pointing a finger back at myself. Guess what – if you don’t weigh yourself everyday, you might just think you’re pretty. BREAKING NEWS!!!! Duh. I should have had Randy hide the scale earlier on in this pregnancy journey. Now instead […]