Etsy is the place to be for holiday shopping and decorating this year! My wedding shop has some great tree skirts and handmade gifts. My new Etsy store is your place for vintage jewelry.
Tag: Etsy
Pumpkin Products on Etsy
To continue my month o’pumpkins, I put together a treasury featuring the fall fruit on Etsy. As we’ve already discussed, pumpkins are everywhere this season – in food, on clothing, in the spa… My personal favorite on this list is the metal pumpkin from mason jar lids. Eco-friendly and pretty. Bonus.
Your Spring Cleaning = My Supplies
As you’re cleaning out your closets this spring, think of Mark the Occasion Designs as a way to refurbish your favorites. Perhaps it’s time to let the old prom dress go, but it would probably make a great Bright Spot Bouquet. I can weave the beads from a broken bracelet with fabric to create a great […]
Recent Projects – March
This month was dedicated to more wrist corsages! These things sure are popular. I did a few sets in styles you’ve already seen, but wanted to showcase two.
It’s Prom Time!
Can you believe it? It’s time to start thinking about prom dresses already. You or your daughter may already have the dress, but do you have the accessories?