I’m back! Seriously, I am ALL back. Somehow I’ve lost a lot of the weight around my belly, but my hips and bum still think they are supporting a pregnant waistline. That’s the only explanation for all the leftover weight hanging out there. My chocolate intake and never-ending supply of protein bars couldn’t possibly be […]
Tag: exercise
30 Day Challenge – Get Back On It
I finally got it! As of 12:15 yesterday, I’ve got my doctor’s permission to rejoin humanity. I can exercise and let Eggroll be around other kids with cooties and well, other things. YAH! It’s been six weeks since I’ve been relatively homebound and definitely not in my normal fighting shape. Add that to the last […]
I saw this post from Emily at Jones Design Company over the weekend and thought it would be fun to survey myself. Enjoy! Loving: Hot chocolate. I may start enjoying it once a day. Hey, the weather has cooled and I’M GROWING A BABY. (Also, I’m loving that I can use that excuse for a […]
Giving Myself Permission – Racing Edition
Most people find that signing up for a race helps their running program. It gives them a goal to strive for, a distance that needs to be met. That works for me. What doesn’t work for me is the fact that I literally make myself sick the morning of any given race. Am I vying […]
X10 Challenge Week 10: Enjoying the Journey, Not the Destination
Hello again friends! Here we are at week 10 of my weight loss challenge. I find myself one pound lighter than where I was when I started. Technically a loss, so I guess it wasn’t a complete failure, but still… blah. I think we have gone through all the stages of “ain’t gonna do it […]