A couple of months ago, I got it stuck in my head that Eggroll should eat the way French kids eat, meaning only at the table for no more than four sessions a day (breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner), at least a couple of which would include anything that Randy and I were eating. Unobtainable in […]
Tag: inspiration
Fourth of July Shutdown
Time to shut it down, folks! Here in America, it’s the Fourth of July weekend. Go to the beach. Have a picnic. Take in a little American history. Light some fireworks. Share a beer with friends. Go for a bike ride with your son. This weekend calls for an electronics hiatus. Take the pictures if […]
Five More Things You Won’t Regret Plus Five You Will
Last week the morning radio hosts I listen to talked about this article from Buzzfeed which suggests 27 things you won’t regret when you get older. I agree with almost all of them. The only one I take an exception to is # 7, but that’s because I was one of the few people who had […]
Guest Blogger – Wedding Vows, But Not That Kind
As we transition from the month of resolutions to the month of LOVE, I have another guest blogger, Cassie Donahoe, to share with y’all. Here’s the back story – Miss Cassie has met the man of her dreams and is getting married soon. Yah! But she didn’t want to do things just because that’s how […]
Graduate-Level Goal-Setting: Inspiration for a Life Plan
As I continue this month of goal-setting and reflection, I have one more part I’d like to share with you. I’m only doing this under the cover of the blog as I’d be much too embarrassed to admit that I do this much planning in real life. Yes, there is sometimes even too much for […]