As I got out of the car yesterday afternoon, I realized I was bringing in a bunch of random stuff in with me. Well, random to you perhaps, but so typical to me these days it made me laugh. Here’s a sample of what was in my hands at the time and in my brain […]
Tag: Mark the Occasion Designs
2011 Year in Review Goal 3: Grow.
My achievements under this goal are the ones I’m most proud of, but if you would like to see what else I did this year, check out posts about goals one and two. Goal 3: Grow. Work for myself and/or out of my home by the end of the year. Create a business plan and […]
Walking Along the Lonely Street of Dreams
“I don’t know where I’m goin’ but I sure know where I’ve been hanging on the promises in songs of yesterday. An’ I’ve made up my mind, I ain’t wasting no more time but here I go again, here I go again.” -Proverb by Whitesnake Last week I spent a lot of time thinking about my decision […]
Day 29: Digging It
I took the last three days off of the day job to test out working from home on Mark the Occasion Designs stuff. Here are some lessons learned. 1. This is going to be a lot of work! As I’ve talked about ad nauseum, I’m going to be in a craft show November 19th. That was the […]
No Longer Playing Grown-Up 2.0
So it looks like most of the blog posts I’ve started, well, ever begin with “wow, it’s been a long time since my last one.” My apologies again. It’s summer. I’m a newlywed. I started a new job. Excuses, excuses. Let’s just agree that this blog will never be a daily read and enjoy whatever […]