Tag: organic food

Grateful for Snacks

Grateful for Snacks

You know what I like about pregnancy? Eating. I can eat like the hungry, hungry hippo I always am and now it’s considered a good thing. (Interesting side note – looks like my normal caloric intake is just right for growing babies… I still have barely gained any weight even […]

Day 31: A Month in Review

October has come to a close and with it, so goes #NoProOcto. If I were to be graded, I’m not sure I would have passed this month. Well…I probably would have passed, but definitely not with flying colors. Overall, I would guess I ate about 70% unprocessed food (which probably […]

Day 1: Being Healthy is Expensive! Or Is It???

Day 1: Being Healthy is Expensive! Or Is It???

To get #NoProOcto off to a good start, I headed to Outpost, our local organic grocery store. I think there might be a surcharge for the hipness factor, but for the month, I’ll be willing to pay. Here’s what I got: Highlights include house made baba ganoush, hummus, straight-from-the-farm goat […]