Tag: recipes

Deep Thoughts, DIY Projects, Everyday, Food and Recipes, Healthy Living, House, Life Hacks, Pregnancy, Yoga Off The Mat Series

Kickstarter Lessons for Your 2014 Resolutions

Happy New Year, friends!! How were your holidays? Full of good meals, photo-worthy memories, and fun football games, I hope! While I’m choosing to enjoy these next two days basking in the glow of a perfectly good year, I know some folks want to jump right into their 2014 resolutions today. Perhaps I can be […]

Comforts of Fall
Stuff Grown-ups Like

My Favorite October Posts

October was a record-breaking month for this little blog of mine! Seems like folks are interested in the pregnancy-related posts, but other stuff was popular as well. Thanks for joining me, no matter what your fancy! In case you missed anything, here are some highlights from my favorite October posts. There was the post with […]

Homemade Peanut Butter Cups
Food and Recipes

Homemade Peanut Butter Cups

Happy Halloween, y’all! It’s the Great Candy Day, so that means that even though it’s breakfast time as this “goes to print”, you can still be legally snacking on your favorite sugary treat. What’s your favorite? My favorite candy for breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack is the peanut butter cup. I mean, how can you […]