We had a good run, Diegos. From the moment you put your little head on my shoulder until tomorrow when, well, I hope you do the same one last time, you have been the best furry friend I could have asked for in this point in my life. I got you at 25, as I’m […]
Tag: thirties
The Difference Between Ages 15 and 33
I’ve been trying to figure out the difference between teenage Maggie and grown-up Maggie for a while now. There are the obvious answers, but I honestly believe I look better now than I did then. Pre-pregnancy, I weighed less than I did at 16, my skin is finally smooth, and, with the help of a […]
Yoga Off the Mat – Lessons From The Younger You
Since I have such a fondness of contemplating life (every. damn. corner. of. it.), it shouldn’t surprise anyone that in these last final moments before Eggroll makes her appearance, I am thinking about my current place in time. I’m 33 years old. That’s not old, but it sure isn’t 22. I have a mortgage (actually […]
Adult-Onset ADD
I’m spinning and spinning and can’t make the world slow down! I’m going to do this job and that job and write a blog and write a book and master yoga and get cracking at harder cardio. I’m going to make dinner every night and learn to wear lipstick in 2013. I’m going to support […]