Leggings and I have a love/hate relationship. I love how comfortable they are. I hate they way they look on me. They love to go from workout to grocery store to home office, but hate that I keep them in rotation until the seams surrender. Through thick (thighs) and thin (fabric), I have stood strong in my stance that LEGGINGS ARE NOT PANTS. Until today.
Yes, I come to you today with my head hung in shame, begging your forgiveness, oh comfortable ones. Seeing as I have reached the apex of lack of a waistline + no reason to ever get dressed up, I find leggings to be the perfect solution to get me out of my pajamas. They stretch. They are warm. They demand big, floppy shirts that are pretty much pajama-like. They are only $4 at Forever 21. In short, they are kind of awesome as we transition into cooler temperatures.
But let’s set some ground rules.
Do I believe that leggings belong in a traditional workplace? No. (I am also enough of a fuddy-duddy that I would fire the first employee who tried to wear shorts to an office that requires suit coats… Come on, Glamour Magazine, really?! I think it’s going to be a long, long while before Milwaukee is that hip.)
- Do I think leggings look good on anyone besides models? No. If you put these on, I believe you know you are wearing your “DILLIGAF” look. If you’re trying to look good, please try something else.
- Are there any ways that leggings are still illegal in Maggie Land? Yes. Absolutely. You should never, I repeat NEVER be able to see your lady parts when wearing leggings (or I guess, in any pants.) If your shirt is not long enough to cover around that area of hip, trust me…you do not look good. I don’t care if you’re 6′ tall and under 100 pounds. This is not a good look for anyone. If I ever see these high-waisted leggings in real life, I may A. pass out from ridiculousness or B. burn them even if there are people’s legs still inside. Those of us that look at you are begging…please, please don’t.
So that’s where I am. Have you changed your opinion on these tight pants?
As I wait patiently on the egg roll sex announcement it is the power of the almighty leggings that brought me out. I LOVE leggings especially with boots! They never move and keep me warm. Ohhhh I love legging time of year!
One time I was trying to work for an upscale resale store and they had the nerve to ask what fashion trend I disliked. I told them how I hated leggings and dress shorts and soon after I was rocking dress shorts OVER leggings… The Best New Member Mom will be the Best New Eggrolla Mom!!
Haha! See, this is why I should learn not to state my opinions so loudly. I’ll always go back on them. Thank you, Bookie!!