I try and I try to do yoga at home by myself. There is plenty of space and I know all the sequences, right? True, but that does not take into effect the piles of laundry that attract my Shiny Object radar, nor the fact that I always slack when I’m working out alone.
Enter Erin Motz, aka One Bad Yogi, aka my new hero.

I’ve been following Erin on social media for awhile now. Mostly it was because it’s not often you find professional yoga teachers willing to have their picture taken with a hamburger and/or red wine. That’s my kind of yogi!
I hadn’t actually practiced with Erin until the last few weeks when she started a yoga challenge. Each day, she puts out a really short video that gives you a snippet of a class. As an added bonus, she teaches in basic human-speak, not the all-natural, spiritual ways others might. Each video is great on its own or you can combine to make a more complete practice. While she does have some programs that are fee-based, this one is free.
Anyway, I recommend you give her a whirl if you can’t find a live class that suits your needs and schedule. She is a great teacher for someone looking to do yoga for the first time or just wanting to focus more on the physical practice, not the meditation.
Namaste, friends!