So as I understand it, everyone’s favorite food and travel show guy has a little girl, around 3. That is the only thing that can explain this video being in existance. Still…he’s the number one guy on my ultimate cocktail party list. Who do you […]
Month: February 2010
I’m happy to announce I’m a proud owner of a(nother) web site. No Longer Playing Grown-Up is getting well, grown-up! You’ll see I have a couple extra pages here, but still have space for more. What else would you like to see? What needs to […]
Moral of the Story
I’m taking a few minutes of my lunch break to do a quick post regarding the movie “Julie & Julia“. The movie itself was just this side of painful. Good: FOOD. Bad: the laughable scenary which tried to make Meryl Streep look like the large […]
Here I Am, An Only Child*
So my mom has a story to tell. Perhaps she’s called to tell you. If not, well, it’s not my story even if I have played a minor (not supporting!) role. That will be a post some other time. But the reason I bring it […]