News To Me – Bistro 110 Closed

If you follow me on Facebook, you know that it was with a heavy heart that I had to report Bistro 110 was no longer in Chicago. I guess this goes to show you that I don’t get down to Michigan Ave. enough, but it really broke my heart to see that this old staple was gone.

Turns out this change took place back in August of 2011. My last visit there was in April of that same year. Randy and I went for brunch at the end of our long weekend in Chicago. I know I wrote a post about that trip, but I can’t seem to find it now. Since it’s gone, I’ll tell you it was Pulitzer Prize worthy narrative about the perfection of the brunch. The oozing garlic and bread, the piping hot French onion soup, the three piece band that sang to the 11-year-old girl having a birthday party. Sigh… Bistro 110 will forever have a special place in my heart. (And in my favorite home alone nights… I’ll bake a head of garlic and just have that and fresh bread for dinner when I don’t have to cook for someone else. YUM!)

A and I choose not to try the new place, an Italian joint. It was like going out with the new quarterback after the old one moved away. Heart-breaking. Or I just was really jonesing for the French onion soup.

Let’s all pause for a moment of silence, none the less.

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